I guess you could call this recycling. My husband’s cousin’s widow gave me a 10 gallon fish tank that she said she was just going to throw away. It was practically brand new and in perfect condition. So, I couldn’t turn it down. The filter that came with it was very poor quality and insufficient …
The Garden
My Contribution to Earth Day
Monday I spent most of the day driving around because I had appointments everywhere but home. It was nice though because my baby girl got to spend some time with her cousins. I took the opportunity to get some cow manure compost, petunias, basil, rosemary, sweet marjoram and lavender at the local Lowe’s store. There …
Earth Month 2008
Until lately I haven’t done much to follow the progress of conservation efforts. I think having a child now and also having a little plot to cultivate yearly has really given me a sense of perspective about the future of the planet. That’s pretty much why I wanted to start this garden blog in the …
Do you have enough wind or solar exposure to go Off-Grid?
I found an interesting post on Off Grid Living, a blog about conserving energy and living off the main power grid. They suggested using an online watt estimator based on your locality zip code to estimate whether you have enough exposure to produce more power than you need. The calculations are based on estimates by …
Stop Global Warming
Global warming is a serious problem that the whole Planet earth is facing. It is no longer a myth but a fact and is very evident. Have you noticed the unpredictable and sudden climate changes, and the excessive heat that we are now experiencing? It is due to the accumulated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, …
Winter Sowing Experiment’s First Sprouts
I’d felt a bit dejected over the fact that none of my little greenhouses had shown signs of life. So, today I decided to move them to a more exposed area with more sunlight. As I was doing this I noticed green. I thought, “Could it be?”. Sure enough one little flat of all the …
Spring: First Signs of Life
Today when I looked outside I saw something wonderful – green. There are hyacinths coming up in the back yard. Next to one of our outbuildings my “giant” daylilies are sprouting. To the west of the house the dianthus that dried up like an old neglected leather shoe is sprouting new grayblue pups. In the …
My Want List
The items on my want list will either help to expand my outdoor garden or my virtual garden of websites. I always like surprises (who doesn’t) so if you feel so inclined to donate one or more of these items for support of this and the other Earthformed websites I’d really appreciate it. Seeds or …
Non Garden Items for Trade
There is so much available in each of the categories below that there isn’t enough room here to list each individual item. Ask and I might just have that for which you are looking. In regards to clothing we have from formal to casual items available, even outer ware. So make an offer and maybe …
Plants and Seeds for Trade
Plants for Trade Irises, Yellow with Rust Colored Throat (corms) Irises, Yellow (corms) Irises, Traditional Lilac color (corms) Seeds for Trade (for number of seeds per trade please download the list – Seed Trade List for SASBE) The Excel formatted list not only has information on number of trades available and seeds per each, but …