Where Home & Garden Secrets Come To Light

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Flower Gardening Gardening - General Herb Gardening Seeds The Garden Vegetable Gardening

Buy, Share, Keep and Toss Your Seeds

  I learned the hard way that even with proper storage commercially produced seeds lose their viability with time. In 2003/2004 I bought a boatload of seeds and have been trying ever since to get them all used up. Well, I think I’ve finally succeeded. I should have thrown them away about a year ago. …

Garden Stuff Live Plants Seeds The Garden Trade Lists

Plants and Seeds for Trade

Plants for Trade Irises, Yellow with Rust Colored Throat (corms) Irises, Yellow (corms) Irises, Traditional Lilac color (corms) Seeds for Trade (for number of seeds per trade please download the list – Seed Trade List for SASBE) The Excel formatted list not only has information on number of trades available and seeds per each, but …