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Books Garden Design Gardening Raised Bed Gardening Vegetable Gardening

Keep Warm by Thinking of Your Spring Garden | 3 New Books from Quarto Knows

This post contains affiliate links. Though the Siberian Vortex is wreaking havoc on the world outside our front doors we can still warm the cockles of out heart with thoughts of the future. Quarto Press has recently released three gardening related books which can bring fantasies of Spring rains and sultry summer days spent in …

Gardening - General Homesteading Raised Bed Gardening The Garden

Prepare for Next Year’s Garden Now With A Straw Bale Garden

Most gardens in the North and Midwest of the country are already asleep for the season.  There may be a few cool season plants, like kale, hanging on for dear life and filling our bellies with garden fresh goodness.  It’s not too early though to think about your garden for next year.  In a traditional …