It has been at least a couple of weeks since we have had any significant rainfall. And it’s been hot, really hot. With temps up in the 90s and little cloud cover of breeze the afternoons and sometimes even the mornings and evenings have been unbearable. Thank goodness for central air. The poor plants have …
The Garden
Bountiful Beautiful Blooms
The blooms from my garden are beautiful this year. Last year I had very few because the plants were fairly new. This year my daylilies and asiatic lilies have decided to bloom. I just wanted to share my bounty of beautiful blooms with all of you. Enjoy and gain inspiration for next year :-).
Update on Winter Sowing Experiment
Believe it or not some of my wintersown seeds that actually bore seedlings are just getting into their permanent home in the ground. I have some White Swan Echinacea and Japanese Irises that actually sprouted in June and survived the heat and rains. They are going to find their home next to some hollyhocks behind …
Hail Shreds Local Plantlife
Last Sunday we had a hailstorm that ripped through Northwest Ohio. It took a full 20 to 30 minutes to pass each place it hit. This gave it a chance to pummel the trees, flowers, and crops across the region. It was fun to watch and pretty to look at as it collected on the …
It’s been a good week to be outside
This week the weather has been in the low 70’s and beautiful. Not until today have we had rain. All the windows in the house were open until yesterday when the temperature peaked above 80 and the house was getting too warm. The only downside to this is that with all sun and no rain …
Hardening Off my Tomato and Pepper Seedlings
It has taken a while but finally the pepper seedlings have come up. Probably, I could have taken the tomatoes out about a week ago, but morning sickness had me doubled over and too tired to care much about seedlings. If you look inside my fish tank greenhouse you’ll see a plethora of tomato plants …
Transferring Seedlings to Pots
This is always one thing that makes me nervous in the growing process – repotting your new seedlings. Sherxr from Ur Resident Chef had a question about when and how to repot. Well, I’ve had my share of successes and failures in this regard, but I’ll share with you the process that seems to work …
Winter Sowing Experiment Follow Up
Even though it seems I’ve had more failure than success at this endeavor it wasn’t a total loss. There are some Japanese Irises that are growing; they are no more than 1/2 an inch tall, but they are growing. Also, some of my daisy flats have germinated and are growing. If they survive for me …
I am blog #1392 on the Million Blog List
Today I listed this blog on the Million Blog List. In less than a month they’ve gotten almost 1400 blog owners to voluntarily list their blogs. Their purpose is to see how long it will take to get 1,000,000 blog owners to do the same. At this rate it will take a long time (approx. …
Things to Consider When Planting Trees in Your Yard
It is always nice to see a beautifully manicured lawn with a selection of ornamental and shade trees to accent the landscape. It is also equally frustrating to see a lawn where no consideration has been given for mature plant and tree size. The landscape looks more like a deformed jungle with half dead and …