Where Home & Garden Secrets Come To Light

About Me

Hi, I’m Lucero and I do organic vegetable gardening wherever I can. . . . and I play with worms :D.



I would like to help you with… growing food for your family no matter where you live or what time of year it is.  Growing food shouldn’t be confined to those who live in the country and have access to a big yard in the middle of the summertime. Everyone, whether you live in an apartment in Miami, a big farm in the Plains or a homestead in Alaska should have the benefit of eating fresh, home grown organic fruits and vegetables.  My goal is to help you understand your soil, your climate and what growing method will work best for you.


I am really good at… being a teacher. Sharing what I learn with others is a passion of mine.  Never did I dream of being a teacher in a school, but I’ve found that I have a patience for questions, confusion and lack of experience that I never thought possible. 

I love to learn, too!  As a perpetual student I’m always looking for the most effective and efficient ways to make you a more prolific and happy gardener.


I’ve been gardening for 25 years. Yes, you read that right and I am by no means an expert! The world is so vast and full of knowledge that I continue to dig for the secrets of growing plentiful edibles. I started with a quarter acre in ground garden when I was homeschooled as a teenager. It was my voluntary job to work the ground, choose and layout the plants and harvest the produce.  It was a labor of love and self-education with the added benefit of being great exercise.  That year I lost 25 pounds! 

  1. I was born in Northwest, Ohio.
  2. My mother is from Mexico City, Mexico
  3. I speak fluent Spanish (do you have any friends who would like garden advice in Spanish?)
  4. I have a major sweet tooth (I think my butt owes my tooth an explanation) and am partial to chocolate chip cookies.
  5. I’m crazy insecure but try to hide it well
  6. My favorite past time is to sing and dance.
  7. Writing for education is my passion, can you tell?
  8. I really like hiking in the woods, hills and hollars of our beautiful state and national parks.
  9. I used to hate insects but now I can’t wait to get outside and work amongst them no matter how annoying or creepy crawly they are.
  10. When what I do encourages someone to start gardening my heart beams. 

Get down and dirty.  Play with worms. Get wet.  Let’s dig for the most sought after garden secrets together.