Most gardens in the North and Midwest of the country are already asleep for the season.  There may be a few cool season plants, like kale, hanging on for dear life and filling our bellies with garden fresh goodness.  It’s not too early though to think about your garden for next year.  In a traditional setup you have to think about digging, double digging, amending, weed prevention, etc., etc.  If you are like most avid gardeners your planning for next year starts almost as soon as the last spent plant is pulled out of the dirt in the fall.

Why not consider straw bale gardening? This is the time of year when straw is readily available and you can get started with your setup now.  It’s a process that is simple enough and reduces space issues in such a way that even urban gardeners can use this method in rooftop or patio gardens.  Check out the infographic below from to learn about the benefits of straw bale gardening and how to do it right.
