Winter was a bit of a bust here in the Midwest. Not much snow to cover the grey and brown outside left me yearning for Spring. It’s finally here in Northwest Ohio, though we are having cooler than normal temperatures right now. It’s time to choose some plants from Monrovia to brighten your garden and …
The Garden
Prepare for Next Year’s Garden Now With A Straw Bale Garden
Most gardens in the North and Midwest of the country are already asleep for the season. There may be a few cool season plants, like kale, hanging on for dear life and filling our bellies with garden fresh goodness. It’s not too early though to think about your garden for next year. In a traditional …
A Water-Wise Landscape with Monrovia Plants – #LetsGarden #Sponsored
Our front landscape has been a sore subject for several years. When we moved in there were three giant yew bushes in front of the house which needed some serious trimming. Despite our best efforts we could not reign them in so that they were attractive to look at – especially when always being surrounded …
#OrganicV Seeds for Sprouter – MIX – Beet / Mustard / Broccoli by VREMI TM Review
This is the first time I’ve ever sprouted seeds and I’m so excited. I do not have a sprouter, but I used a jar covered with cheesecloth to do the process. I received the organic three seed kit for the purposes of review. The box is very cute and perfect for a gift for a …
Organic Gardening Made Easier with TOTER Composter – Black Gold On Wheels | Review
It may be cold and the garden is asleep BUT this is the perfect season to plan for and fantasize about what incredible plants and supremely useful tools you are going to need in your garden and yard next season. There is a level of satisfaction in being able to grow your produce as organically …
Find Your Plant Hardiness Zone – Important Changes
Each section of the world can effectively grow specific kinds of plants. You may think that in a tropical or subtropical region you can grow anything you want, but that’s not at all the case. There are plants that prefer cold climates and require a cold winter with a hard freeze in order to grow …
Potentially Invasive Garden Plants
Each spring the avid gardener thinks about what they are going to plant in their landscape and vegetable garden. The beginners look to how they should start and what they should plant. When I was a beginner I fell into the trap of wanting to plant EVERYTHING I laid my eyes one. “OOOO, that’s pretty.” …
Tired of Being Buried in Snow? Time To Plan for Spring
So far this is the 5th coldest and snowiest winter on record in the United States. There hasn’t been a state in the continental US that’s been spared the fearsome power that is the winter storm complete with ice – even in Florida! Here in Northwest Ohio we got buried again this week. For our …
Reduce & Reuse In Your Cleaning Routine with Skoy Cloths
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Thanks to Skoy I received complimentary product for the purposes of review. If you watch the news, read the newspaper, or have any access to the world outside your front door you are well aware that humans are having a measurable and unfortunately negative …
Can Natural Disasters Be Predicted?
This content is brought to you by Advanced Geosciences, Inc. Is it possible to predict natural disasters? This is a question that people have been asking themselves for hundreds of years. Things like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes often take scores of lives just because no one sees them coming. No one has any time …