This post contains affiliate links. Though the Siberian Vortex is wreaking havoc on the world outside our front doors we can still warm the cockles of out heart with thoughts of the future. Quarto Press has recently released three gardening related books which can bring fantasies of Spring rains and sultry summer days spent in …

Gardenite 10 Pattern Metal Triggerless Thumb Control Hose Nozzle Review & Giveaway, ends 4/30/18
Product was provided without cost for the purposes of this review. Thanks to Gardenite I was invited to review this specialty hose nozzle just in time for spring gardening. When I received the nozzle immediately I saw the benefit of not having a trigger for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is easier …

8 Tips for Having A Great Yard for Your Pet in the Spring
How to be “Backyard Ready” for Dog Fun When Spring Hits Winter is nearly over, and it’s time for your dog to get outside to bask in the sunshine and roll in the grass. Here are some tips to help you get your yard ready for springtime fun from Lucky the TurfMutt, a rescue dog …

How Many Goats Does It Take to Mow a Lawn?
Spring is here as will soon be the need to mow your lawn. Big Box hardware and outdoor supply stores are boasting sales on noisy, gas-guzzling grass chopping behemoths. Have you ever considered a more natural alternative to a hearing-hampering, ozone-depleting mower? I’ve wanted to get goats for years. Raising them for milk and meat …

The 2018 Garden Guide: Advice and Inspiration for the Modern Gardener
The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s all-new gardening annual features endless edibles, plants with pizzazz, front-yard foodscapes, guidance on planning a path, and more! As the weather begins to warm, gardeners are preparing for the bountiful and beautiful season ahead. This means selecting seeds, preparing the soil, and gathering their tools—including the newest edition of the Garden Guide, …
Getting Ready for Spring Yard Work: Safety Tips to Remember
Alexandria, Va. – The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing more than 100 power equipment, engine and utility vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, reminds home owners to keep safety in mind when getting out their spring lawn and garden equipment like lawn mowers, edgers, trimmers and more. “After a long winter, we know …
Companion Planting: Fight Garden Pests and Increase Your Yields The Natural Way
It was warm outside yesterday. Almost 60 Fahrenheit and it makes me itch to get into the garden. When my girls were very small I turned my attention almost solely to vegetable gardening and left the flowers to a few leftover and neglected places on my property. Not that I don’t like flowers, but knowing how …
Do You Know How To “Read” A Garden?
Many of us, myself included, enjoy walking through gardens – large and small – just for the enjoyment of being in nature. Seeing the plants grow and how meticulously a flower or vegetable garden bed has been laid out brings much joy. Admittedly, I don’t know much about garden structure, history or even genealogy of …
Straw Bale Solutions for Home, Garden and Community || Book Release
With less than a month left before Spring officially begins it’s time to start thinking about creative ways to improve or begin your garden. The phenomenon that is Straw Bale Gardening continues with the March 20 publication of Straw Bale Solutions: Creative Tips for Growing Vegetables in Bales at Home, in Community Gardens, and around the …
10 Reasons Why Your Pet Still Has Fleas
Fleas are one reason I hesitate to adopt a fluffy, fuzzy pet of any kind. Not only are they a nuisance and health hazard to your precious four-legged companion, but they can be a detriment to your home, health and sanity as well. Did you know there are some pets who have terrible allergic reactions …